Re: Dad learns something about Alfie
Posted by WillyGetsWet on July 14, 2021 at 20:08:29
In Reply to: Re: Dad learns something about Alfie posted by Kayne on July 14, 2021 at 14:51:38:
Hey Alfie! Willy here. I'm assuming you're Alfie? The display name says Kayne lol.
Yes, here in Canada the culture is very different. I wouldn't say we're all shy here, but we definitely overvalue each other's privacy. We always assume other people want privacy until we learn otherwise. Mayne 1 in 3 guys will be super open about being in locker rooms, at least where I'm from, but most people keep to themselves. We also rarely wear speedos or jammers here, though jammers are used for competitive swimming.
It's great that you and your brothers and your dad can be pretty open with each other. I only grew up with one sister as I think I mentioned, so very different situation. It's kind of fun to have brothers cause you can team up on each other and throw each other into pools and stuff. When you have a sister you can goof around but you also have to be gentle enough and not take it as far. You're lucky to have a pool. My condominium has one but it doesn't have a great track record for being cleaned and street clothes aren't allowed.
I'm guessing all boy or all girls schools, as well as uniforms, are much more common in the UK. I've only seen a handful of them in my area, they're not super common. Catholic schools still have uniforms here as they're publicly funded, but public schools and even some private schools have done away with uniforms. I'm guessing getting wet fully clothed is slightly more common in the UK than here. I think people tend to get wet outside more often than inside whether it be with hoses, pools, lakes, rivers, etc. Weather is a bit warmer in the UK than here, especially in spring I'm guessing. Of course I could be wrong, since I've only visited the UK in late summer/early fall.
Also let me say you do NOT have to decide if you prefer males or females; you're young and you don't have to decide anything yet (I mean it's not a choice but something you learn and figure out as you age). I was not certain of my own preferences until I was about 17 and I said nothing to anybody about it until I was 18. There's no right or wrong age to figure it out. Don't be afraid to experiment, solo or with another person safely and with consent, and take your time with it. You said something else that I wanted to respond to:
"I imagine gay men prefer men who are more than averagely well endowed more than heterosexual women do when it comes to sex, if you see what I mean."
Yes, that's absolutely correct. In my experience as someone who's dated men and women, men tend to be more attracted to those who are well endowed than straight women do. I think it's because men already know what they're dealing with and what they want so to speak, whereas women's bodies see completely different. Also, you may find different things attractive about both sexes which is also very normal. Something I look for in a female is a nice lower body, and something I look for in a male is a nice upper body. It's not linear and you don't have to be looking for one set of traits in both sexes to be attracted to both. Also, I prefer seeing men in wet clothes over women. If you've ready any of my stories on wacky wet world you know exactly what I mean 😅 women in that same situation doesn't do it for me as much. It's all normal to figure things out as you go.
Hopefully I helped some!
Stay soaked,