Welcome to Safe Sex Fun in Wet Clothes

Every time someone speaks openly about sexuality, it saves lives.

You've found a unique website about safe sex education in wet clothes. Odd combination, eh? But it works really well, feels amazing, and promotes good health.

The purpose of this wetsite is to share safe sex education in a fun way. Always practice Safe Sex with your friends. It has opened many exciting new alternatives.

Explicit Content Warning

Our information and photographs are quite explicit. By entering here, you agree that you are either an adult, or have your parent or guardian's permission. Otherwise, go to Wacky Wet World instead.

Parental Advice

If you're a parent, please talk with your family about safe sex. Surveys have shown that teens are becoming sexually active younger, both independently and with partners. Sharing age-appropriate information with them is a great investment you can make in their lives, and works a lot better than keeping your eyes closed and hoping for the best.

Step-by-Step Guide

We've prepared a detailed editorial with many practical tips to bring you safe sexual joy. Our pages are arranged as a step-by-step guide, so you can explore your own path. The ideas on this website may be new and exotic for you, like wearing wet clothes for much more pleasure. Our forum lets you learn from other readers and share your wet experience.

Try it first by yourself, but soon share your joy with friends. It is healthier that way. Close friends are often the best sex partners because they know yo so well.

Sex is a beautiful form of intimate communication between friends. It is great fun to learn this important life skill. Don't rush, especially when you get wet in clothes for the first time, or get aroused with a friend. If you're shy, clothes can hide your boner, until they get wet.

Keep an open mind, do not prejudge. Your mind is like an parachute, it works better when it is open. Go easy. Be patient. Follow your bliss. Fill your bed and bath regularly with love, lust, and wet fun.

Wet Companions


Some of the sexy photos come from our own stock photo collection. Many have been donated by our readers. If you see a copyright violation, please report it and we will follow it up.

If you have any ideas and requests, please contact us.

Wet Companion
Wet Companion

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